- 嶄露才華to exhibit a talent
- 正如像金子那樣發(fā)光,你能在人群中嶄露自己,就能步入精英的行列。As the wheat is separated from the chaff, if you are left standing, you are left standing with others of good caliber
- 其中大有文章的是俄國人已被最新的漸漸嶄露的格魯吉亞人英雄傳說(shuō)深深迷住了。Thereby hangs a tale and Russian are spellbound by the latest Georgian saga which has been unfolding.
- 嶄precipitous peak
- 沐浴露shower bath
- 潤膚露skin cream
- 本嶄量proper vector
- 露得清Neutrogena
- 嶄然towering; outstanding
- 原形畢露(of a person) reveal the true nature or colour completely
- 嶄種new species
- 嶄齊perfectly uniform; perfectly even
- 結露condensation of moisture
- 特嶄標characteristic index
- 凝露condensation
- 特嶄量characteristic vector
- 洗發(fā)露shampoo
- 特嶄數characteristic exponent
- 魚(yú)露fish gravy