



  • - (數量?。?few; little; less:

    made fewer mistakes; 少出差錯

    renounce empty talk; 少說空話

  • - (不夠原有或應有的數目; 缺少) be short; lack:

    be short of doctors and medicine; 缺醫少藥

    We still lack a pair of chopsticks. 還少一雙筷子。

    - (丟; 遺失) lose; be missing:

    See if anyone is missing. 看看少不少人。

    One book is missing. 少了一本書。

    - (不要) stop; quit:

    Stop talking rubbish! 少廢話!

    Stop pretending! 少給我裝蒜!

  • - (稀有) seldom:

    seldom seen; unique; rare 少見

    - (暫時; 稍微) a little while; a moment:

    Wait a moment, please. 請少候。

  • - (年紀輕) young:

    men and women; old and young; 男女老少

    He is too young to do the work. 做這項工作,他還有點年少。

  • - (少爺) son of a rich family; young master:

    young ruffian; 惡少

    a profligate son of the rich 闊少

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Shao Nianwei 少年唯



  1. 少女以前要上儀態課。
    Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment.
  2. 我們的主要問題就是缺少時間。
    Our principal problem is lack of time.
  3. 干旱少雨使原本就很嚴重的糧食短缺問題更加嚴重。
    The lack of rain aggravated the already serious shortage of food.
  4. 我問一個小孩:“你能數多少個數字?”
    I asked a little boy, "how many numerals can you count?"
  5. 他沒多少文化修養。
    He is a man of little culture.
  6. 那個年代,我妻子的嫁妝很少。
    The dowry of my wife was very little in that age.
  7. 現在賣報紙利潤很少。
    There is very little profit in selling newspapers at present.
  8. 如今未經勘測的森林是少之又少了。
    Very little forestry is left unexplored nowadays.


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