- 第8個(gè)小矮人How do you think about the 8th dwarf
- 矮個(gè)的漢子用顫抖的聲音說(shuō)。The little man's voice was shaky.
- 體形像游泳運動(dòng)員的矮個(gè)男子a short man with . . . the physique of a swimmer
- 小的less
- 小豬pigling
- 如何提高矮個(gè)鉛球選手運動(dòng)水平的幾個(gè)問(wèn)題Several Questions on Raising the Athletic Levels of Shot-putters of Short Stature
- 小計subtotal
- 從小from childhood
- 小女孩lassock
- 從車(chē)上下來(lái)一位身穿黑色上衣,頭戴氈帽的矮個(gè)男子。A short man in a black coat and a black felt hat stepped down from the car.
- 小狗puppy
- 最小的lowest
- 小便urinate
- 冠狀動(dòng)脈造影發(fā)現矮個(gè)男性比高個(gè)男性的冠心病發(fā)病率高且嚴重Higher prevalence and greater severity of coronary disease in short versus tall men referred for coronary arteriography
- 小貓kitten
- 小精靈elf
- 小人flunky
- 在我們班湯姆球打得最好,可是跟校隊隊員相比,他不過(guò)是矮個(gè)中的高個(gè)。Tom is the best player in our class, but compared to those players in the school team, he's just a big fish in a little pond.
- 小號horn
- 小花flowerlet