- 房室結內折返伴有前向傳導延緩的旁觀(guān)者副束所致寬QRS性心動(dòng)過(guò)速Wide QRS Tachycardia Due to AV Nodal Reentry with A Bystander Slow Conduction AV Accessory Pathway
- 寬QRS波群心動(dòng)過(guò)速Wide QRS complex tachycardia
- 寬QRS波群心動(dòng)過(guò)速的診斷與鑒別診斷研究進(jìn)展Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Wide QRS Complex Tachycardia
- 寬QRS波Tachycardia
- 室上性寬QRS波群心動(dòng)過(guò)速的臨床分析The Clinical analysis of supraventricular tachycardia with wide QRS complex
- 寬broad
- aVR導聯(lián)ST段抬高對窄QRS波心動(dòng)過(guò)速的鑒別及旁道定位作用Roles of ST segment elevation in lead aVR during tachycardia in the differentiation of the narrow QRS complex tachycardia and the location of the accessory pathway
- 寬QRS波群wide QRS complex
- 列寬col width
- 心動(dòng)過(guò)速tachycardia
- 頁(yè)寬page width
- 寬的unfitted
- 間隔區域冷凍消融治療室上性心動(dòng)過(guò)速的療效及電生理特征Efficacy and safety of cryo-ablation for septal tachycardia substrates and its electrophysiologic characteristics
- 寬頻broadband
- 寬屏widescreen
- 經(jīng)導管射頻消融術(shù)治療特發(fā)性室性心動(dòng)過(guò)速的臨床應用研究The clinical research of radiofrequency catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia in patients without structural heart disease
- 肩寬shoulder breadth
- 交界性心律在射頻消融治療房室結折返性心動(dòng)過(guò)速中的臨床意義Clinical Significance of Junctional Rhythm during Slow Pathway Catheter Ablation for Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia
- 右房后壁雙電位標測對判斷房性心動(dòng)過(guò)速起源點(diǎn)的參考價(jià)值The diagnostic value of double potential mapping at the posterior right atrium in identification of the origin of atrial tachycardia
- 竇性心動(dòng)過(guò)速nodal tachycardia