宴會(huì )的英文翻譯
- 宴會(huì ) [yàn huì]
- banquet; feast; dinner party:
reciprocal banquet; 答謝宴會(huì )
welcoming banquet 歡迎宴會(huì )
短語(yǔ)宴會(huì )燈banquet lamp宴會(huì )短禮服dinner jacket; tuxedo宴會(huì )服dinner clothes宴會(huì )稅banquet tax宴會(huì )廳banquet hall宴會(huì )主持人toastmaster; toastmistress
宴會(huì )的用法和樣例:
宴會(huì )結束時(shí),我們謝了主人后便回家去了。
At the end of the party, we thanked our host and went away. -
宴會(huì )的準備工作現在都已就緒。
Everything is ready now for the party. -
那次宴會(huì )上有大量飲料供應。
There was a liberal supply of drinks at the party. -
那是個(gè)規模盛大、極其鋪張的宴會(huì )。
That is a vast and lavish party. -
我們昨天為他舉行了告別宴會(huì )。
We gave him a farewell banquet yesterday. -
貴賓們在大餐廳參加一個(gè)宴會(huì )。
The guests partook of a luxurious repast in the banqueting hall. -
宴會(huì )上,大家吃掉了好幾籃水果。
Several baskets of fruit were eaten at the party. -
總統為王子和他的隨員舉行了告別宴會(huì )。
The president gave the Prince and his attendants a farewell banquet.