- KE-J系統KE-J system
- R型及KE型活性染料在錦/棉染色中的應用Application of R and KE Reactive Dyes in Polyamide/Cotton Blends
- 氣動(dòng)P-PI調節器及其與Ke~(-Ls)/(TS+1)對象所組成的系統分析The Analysis of Pneumatic P-PI Controller and SystemComprising the Controller and Industrial Process byamically Characterised by Ke-LS/TS+1
- 滿(mǎn)語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞過(guò)去時(shí)詞綴-ka、-ke、-ko、-ha、-he、-ho同蒙古語(yǔ)形動(dòng)詞詞綴-(?)The Manchu affixes of verb past tense -ka,-ke, -ko,-ha,-ho are phonetic similarity with Mongolian affixes -ra,-ga.
- 78株念珠菌屬真菌對AP、KE、FL、IT的總敏感率分別是89.7%、92.3%、85.9%、85.9%;The susceptibility rate of 78 strains of Candida to AP, KE, FL, IT was 89.7%25, 92.3%25, 85.9%25 and 85.9%25 respectively.
- 機械能 :系統的動(dòng)能(KE)與位能(PE)之和。在沒(méi)有摩擦力如空氣阻力的系統中,機械能為恒量。mechanical energy:um of a system's kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy (PE). Mechanical energy is constant in a system that experiences no dissipative forces such as friction or air resistance.
- 藥物的Ke由 0 0 37h-1降至 0 0 2 1h-1,T1/2 由 19min延長(cháng)至 35min ,AUC增加 2 .77倍。On the other hand, Ke decreased significantly from 0.037 to 0.021 h -1 , T_ 1/2 Ke increased significantly from 19 min to 35 min, and AUC was 2.77 times as high as in mice injected with AZT.
- LCT在腎衰組中的清除速率常數(Ke)明顯小于正常組,半衰期(t1/2)則明顯大于正常組。The elimination rate constant ( K e) of LCT ARF group was significantly less than that of LCT normal group,while the halflife period (t 1/2 ) of it was longer.
- 探測器在累積照射量為 1 3 k Gy的光子 1 3 7Cs(662 ke V)輻照下 ,輻照前后的電荷收集率無(wú)明顯變化。CCE of the detectors has no evident changes before and after accumulated radiation with 13 kGy photos from 137 Cs(662 keV).
- 結果表明,該菌群以AQDS(2,6-二磺酸蒽醌)作為氧化還原介質(zhì)可強化多種偶氮染料的生物脫色,其中,對活性艷紅KE-3B脫色的適宜條件為pH6~9;This bacterium community could enhance the bio-decolourization of many kinds of azo dyes using AQDS (2,6-dioulfonic acid anthracene quinine) as a redox mediator, in which the adaptable conditions of active Red KE-3B were pH 6~9;