



  • - (安定; 沒有騷動) peaceful; quiet; tranquil; calm:

    sleep peacefully; 安睡

    feel uneasy [perturbed] 心神不安

    - (平安; 安好)safe; secure; in good health:

    arrive safely; arrive safe and sound; 安抵

    be in good health 身體安康

  • - (使安定) set (sb.'s mind) at ease; calm:

    calm [soothe] the nerves 安神

    - (感到滿足合適; 心安) rest content; be satisfied:

    be content with things as they are; be satisfied with the existing state of affairs 安于現狀

    - (使有合適的位置) place in a suitable position; find a place for:

    I'll be happy with any job I'm assigned to. 把我安在哪兒都行。

    - (安裝; 設立) install; fix; fit:

    put in a windowpane; 安窗玻璃

    install electric lights; 安電燈

    - (憑空加上) bring (a charge against sb.); give (sb. a nickname):

    bring charges against 安罪名

    - (存著; 懷著) harbour (an intention):

    harbour evil intentions; 安壞心

    What are they up to? 他們安的是什么心?

  • - (安全; 安逸) security; safety; peace:

    mindful of possible danger in time of peace; 安不忘危

    be slightly indisposed; be unwell; 欠安[書]

    - {電} (安培的簡稱) ampere
    - (姓氏) a surname:

    An Cheng 安成

  • - (用作疑問代詞,同“哪里,怎么; 誰,何,如何”) where; how:

    Wherein lies the cause? 其故安在?

    How can one stand by and do nothing? 安能袖手旁觀?



  1. 杰克和安妮訂婚了。
    Jack and Anne are engaged.
  2. 有些印地安人仍然住在帳篷里。
    Some Indians still live in wigwams.
  3. 讓湯姆保持安靜。
    Ask him to keep quiet.
  4. 馬路上來往的車輛聲音不斷地破壞我們家的安寧。
    The noise of cars passing along the road is a continual disturbance to our quiet at home.
  5. 冷靜點,既來之則安之吧。
    Be calm and take things as they come.
  6. 他很安詳地去世。
    His ending was peaceful.
  7. 請讓我安靜地工作。
    Please let me do my work in peace.
  8. 她那么安靜,幾乎沒有人注意到她在這里。
    She was so quiet that her presence was hardly noticed.


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