- 悉心照料嫩苗to nurse tender young plants
- 萱草嫩苗orange daylily seedling
- 罌粟嫩苗opium poppy seedling
- 一陣大雨之后,那些嫩苗現在長(cháng)得正茂盛。The young shoot are now in full flush after a heavy shower.
- 父親把這些西紅柿嫩苗種在盆內。My father potted up the young tomato plants.
- 茶是世界上飲用最普遍的飲料,是由一種稱(chēng)為山茶的茶屬常綠灌木的干嫩苗制成的。Tea is the most universally used beverage. It is prepared from the dried shoots of an evergreen shrub,Thea Sinensis,a camellia.
- 松花村顯得很凌亂,到處長(cháng)滿(mǎn)了野草,松子已開(kāi)始在地里長(cháng)出嫩苗,房屋已相當破敗,也很不整潔。Pine Bloom looked straggly and overgrown with weeds, seedling pines were beginning to show in the fields and the house was sagging and untidy.
- 她的心也更加安靜了,大大澆水的斜坡上,大蒜冒出青色的嫩苗,蔥子則長(cháng)得綠油油的,可以扯到街上去賣(mài)了。On the slope which she watered every day the green shoots of garlic and the emerald onions were ready for marketing.