- 妊娠相關(guān)血漿蛋白A(PAPP-A)Threatened abortion
- 受試者特征曲線(xiàn)評價(jià)妊娠相關(guān)血漿蛋白A在急性冠狀動(dòng)脈綜合征早期診斷中的價(jià)值ROC curve estimates the value of pregnancy associated plasma protein- A for the early detection of acute coronary syndrome
- 孕婦血清妊娠相關(guān)血漿蛋白A水平與不良妊娠的關(guān)系Maternal Serum Level of Pregnancy-associated Plasma Protein A and Its Association with Disadvantage Pregnancies
- 急性冠狀動(dòng)脈綜合征患者血清可溶性細胞間粘附分子1和妊娠相關(guān)血漿蛋白A的變化Changes of the Levels of Serum Soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 and Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein-A in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome
- 血清妊娠相關(guān)血漿蛋白A與急性冠狀動(dòng)脈綜合征的臨床相關(guān)性The clinical relevance between the serum level of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A and degree of acute coronary syndrome
- 妊娠相關(guān)血漿蛋白CPAPPC; pregnancy-associated plasma protein C
- 妊娠相關(guān)血漿蛋白PAPP; pregnancy-associated plasma protein
- 相關(guān)問(wèn)題relevant issues
- A股市場(chǎng)A share market
- B蛋白B protein
- M蛋白M protein
- 在開(kāi)發(fā)自然資源前,人們應該先了解相關(guān)的規定。People should read the related regulations before they exploit natural resources.
- HU蛋白HU protein
- p-蛋白p-protein
- I區相關(guān)抗原I region associated antigen
- X對Y相關(guān)比correlation ratio of X on Y
- Y對X相關(guān)比correlation ratio of Y on X
- 急性肺損傷患者血清肺表面活性物質(zhì)蛋白A的變化及其意義Determination of serum pulmonary surfactant protein A and its significance in patients with acute lung injury
- 動(dòng)態(tài)觀(guān)察機械通氣新生兒血漿SP-A和SF水平可能有助于監測VILI的發(fā)生,指導臨床診治。Evaluating plasma SP-A and SF levels in neonate after mechanical ventilation may help monitor the development and guid the clinical diagnosis and treatment of VILI.
- 妊娠血清和羊水中甲胎蛋白測定在產(chǎn)前診斷的探討Evaluation of Alpha-Fetoprotein in Maternal Serum and Amniotic Fluid in prenatal Diagnosis