- 但是開(kāi)始準備的時(shí)機問(wèn)題,一般地說(shuō)來(lái),與其失之過(guò)遲,不如失之過(guò)早。Generally speaking, however, on the question of timing the preparations, it is preferable to start them too early rather than too late.
- 中風(fēng)可因其在腦中發(fā)生的不同部位產(chǎn)生不同影響,如失語(yǔ)、運動(dòng)失調、局部癱瘓,或者喪失其它一種或數種感覺(jué)。"Depending on its site in the Brain, a stroke's effects may include aphAsia, ataxia, local paralysis, and/or disorders of one or more senses."
- 父母parents
- 在工程設計中經(jīng)常要評估產(chǎn)品可靠性方面的指標,如失效率、平均無(wú)故障時(shí)間、平均維修時(shí)間等數值的測算和分配。We often need evaluating the reliability of entire system in engineering,such as failure rate, MTBF, MTTR, and we must do some caculating and allocating works to satisfy the procedure target.
- 失to lose
- 正如be just like
- 如有if any
- 1939年戰爭爆發(fā)時(shí),她的父母在國外,他們直到戰爭結束時(shí)才能返家。Her parents were abroad when the balloon went up in1939 and they could not return home until the war was over.
- 如是so
- 失憶lose memory
- 她父母試圖阻止這樁婚姻,盡管如此,婚事還是辦了。Her parents tried to prevent the marriage but the wedding take place notwithstanding.
- 如花flowery
- 我們決不辜負我們的父母對我們的期望。We will never fail to live up to what our parents expect of us.
- 失樂(lè )園Paradise Lost
- 如上ibidem
- 父母的parental
- 失憶癥amnesia
- 如來(lái)Buddha
- 贍養父母support of parents
- 失格disqualification