- 楷model
- 她是位多才多藝、演技高超的女演員。She is a versatile and superlative actress.
- 渡楷aqueduct
- 時(shí)髦的女發(fā)型a fashionable hairdo
- 楷木[醫] Pistacia sinensis Bge.
- (女鞋的)細高跟stiletto heel
- 楷變regularization
- 楷杷葉loquat leaf
- 人口中男女的比例是多少?What is the proportion of men to women in the population?
- 楷-3-烯Car-3-ene
- 女文學(xué)家a lady of letters
- 蘿楷米定raujemidine
- 在學(xué)生家中住宿的家庭女教師a resident governess
- 楷王巴葉loquat leaf
- 伴奏軍樂(lè )隊的女指揮。a female baton twirler who accompanies a marching band.
- 楷膜藻科Kallymeniaceae
- 女俘women captive
- 篆楷對應seal characters correspond to regular scripts
- 養子[女]an adopted son [daughter]
- [醫] 黃連木,楷木Pistacia sinensis Bge.