- 該宅邸高高地坐落于太平洋的一個(gè)海角上。The mansion was on a promontory, high over the Pacific.
- 太平洋島嶼Pacific Islands
- 從太平洋沿岸到山區有多遠?How far is it from the shore of the Pacific to the mountains?
- 無(wú)鰾石首魚(yú),月魚(yú)太平洋產(chǎn)的幾種相似或有親緣關(guān)系的魚(yú)之一Any of several similar or related fishes, indigenous to the Pacific Ocean.
- 歷史上所測到的最大波浪在太平洋中高達三十四米。The largest measured wave in history rose in the Pacific Ocean to a height of thirty-four meters.
- 它東臨大西洋,西臨太平洋。It faces the Atlantic on the east and the Pacific on the west.
- 太平洋的海水沖刷著(zhù)沙灘。The waters of the Pacific Ocean wash the beach.
- 乘木筏橫渡太平洋是一種壯舉。Sailing across the Pacific on a raft was an adventure.
- 環(huán)太平洋地質(zhì)geology of the circum-Pacific
- 北太平洋部Boreal Pacific province
- 橫渡(或飛越)太平洋to navigate the Pacific
- 中國與太平洋毗連。China borders on the Pacific Ocean.
- 在太平洋中央in the mid Pacific.
- 南美太平洋戰爭War of the Pacific in Southern America
- 飛渡太平洋fly (across) the Pacific
- 澳大拉西亞太平洋南部島嶼,包括澳大利亞、新西蘭及新幾內亞The islands of the southern Pacific Ocean, including Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea.
- 北太平洋高壓Pacific high
- 北太平洋海流North Pacific Current
- 北美太平洋沿岸的狗鯊。dogfish of Pacific coast of North America.
- 美國西以太平洋為界。The United States is bounded on the west by the Pacific.