- 美利堅合眾國United States of America
- 剛接rigid connection
- 剛要be about to ...
- 堅如磐石as firm as a rock
- 在日本侵占臺灣期間,臺灣同胞一直堅持英勇不屈的斗爭。Taiwan compatriots never ceased their dauntless struggle throughout the Japanese occupation.
- 剛過(guò)shortly past
- 不屈的決心a grim determination
- 工人們正在堅石中挖掘一條通道。The workers were tunnelling through solid rock.
- 我剛買(mǎi)了一盒麥片。I've just bought a box of cereal.
- 他想起了事業(yè)剛起步時(shí)所度過(guò)的那段極其困難的時(shí)期。He remembered a particularly bad patch struck at the beginning of his career.
- 他的意志仍堅如磐石。His purpose remains as firm as a rock.
- 剛毛bristle
- 市場(chǎng)堅穩。Market is steady.
- 剛強的doughty
- 堅如鐵石As hard as iron and stone, flinty heart
- 剛才有一道閃電。There was a flash of lightning a moment ago.
- 白堅木胺aspidosamine
- 傍晚時(shí)分,鴿子回來(lái)了,嘴里銜著(zhù)一片剛啄下的橄欖葉。She came back to him towards evening with a newly plucked olive leaf in her beak.
- 白堅木堿aspidospermine
- 這項計劃剛開(kāi)始的時(shí)候,人們熱情洋溢;但到了夏天,人們的興趣就消退了The project jumped off with great enthusiasm but interest flagged during the summer.