- 真正的孤寂是生活在所有這些和顏悅色的一味教人裝模作樣的人中間!The real loneliness is living among all these kind people who only ask one to pretend!
- 在教團當中存在著(zhù)一些小的宗派,主要是一些極端分子和認為有些組織沒(méi)用的人。There exist a few small sects within the Cult, primarily of extremists or those who feel the usefulness of some organization.
- (英國國教)教會(huì )執事的幫手;在教會(huì )中募集捐獻供品的人。(Church of England) an assistant to the churchwarden; collects offerings of money in the church.
- 這般祥和恬逸的思緒傳達著(zhù)如此純凈、教人愛(ài)憐的來(lái)處。Where thoughts serenely sweet express How pure, how dear their dwelling place
- 老燕正在教雛燕學(xué)飛。The swallow is showing its young how to fly.
- 士兵是大多數密特拉教的追隨者,婦女排除在教會(huì )之外。Soldiers appeared to be the most plentiful followers of Mithraism, and women were apparently not allowed to join.
- 攻人之過(guò)毋太嚴,要思其堪受;教人之善毋過(guò)高,當使其可從。When criticizing others, do not be too severe and try to mind what they could bear; when instructing them, do not be too demanding and try to.
- 教師說(shuō): "我不在教重的時(shí)候,希望你們大家保持肅靜。""I hope you will keep silence while I am out of the room, "
- 音樂(lè )學(xué)院是不會(huì )教人這樣騎著(zhù)大提琴演奏的。One does not learn to straddle a cello that way at a conservatory.
- 歲月教人長(cháng)智彗years bring wisdom
- “德麗雅,你每天干些什么?你真的是在教音樂(lè )課嗎?對我說(shuō)實(shí)話(huà)?!?/a>"""What do you do every day, Delia? Do you really give music lessons? Tell me the truth."""
- 第三課:現實(shí)的狀況只是短暫的,而未來(lái)的發(fā)展總會(huì )有教人訝異之處。Lesson number three: the present is evanescent and the future will always astonish you one way or another.
- 一天,大衛正在教他7歲的兒子凱利如何使用割草機割草。One day he was teaching his seven-year-old son Kelly how to push the lawn mower around the yard.
- 我認為客人教人做飯是極不禮貌的。I call it the height of bad manners for a guest to tell one how to cook.
- 教皇也說(shuō),在教會(huì )的慈善工作中,教會(huì )必須時(shí)刻獨立于政黨與意識形態(tài)之外。He also said that in its charity work the Church must always be independent of political parties and ideologies.
- 夏天,他穿上寬松肥大的褲子,上衣不堪入目,帽子臟得教人不敢碰。He wore his pantaloons very loose and baggy in summer. His coats were execrable; his hat not to be handled.
- 在19世紀,父母都希望年輕的兒子們在教會(huì )、軍隊或國外殖民地謀到職務(wù)。In the nineteenth century younger sons were often intended for the Church, the Army or the colonies.
- 利未支派的領(lǐng)袖基拿尼雅專(zhuān)責音樂(lè ),又教人音樂(lè ),因為他精通音樂(lè )。And Chenaniah, chief of the Levites, was for song: he instructed about the song, because he was skilful.
- 她發(fā)現,孩子們其實(shí)是在教自己。這一切,確定了她一生的追求:一定要進(jìn)行教育改革。She felt the children were teaching themselves, which helped inspire her lifelong pursuit of educational reform.
- 里弗斯先生教人學(xué)游泳。Mr. Rivers gives swimming instruction.