- 相關(guān)interrelated
- 取其外周靜脈血3 mL,分別用ELISA法和免疫比濁法測定血CRP和VW因子水平。Blood samples were taken to measure VW factor and CRP by ELISA and immune turbidimetry respectively.
- 因子factor
- 相關(guān)的interrelated
- 細胞因子cell factor
- 轉錄因子transcription factor
- 因子分析factorial analysis
- 生長(cháng)因子nutrilit
- 相關(guān)因子correlator
- 全相關(guān)因子total correlation factor
- TBP相關(guān)因子TBP-associated factor; TAF
- 核相關(guān)因子nuclear related factor 1
- XIAP相關(guān)因子XAFI
- XIAP相關(guān)因子1XAF1
- 相關(guān)反應因子relative response factor
- 血液相關(guān)因子blood-associated agent
- 遺傳相關(guān)因子genetically related factor; GRF
- 感染相關(guān)因子infection-related factor
- 信道相關(guān)因子Channel correlated factor
- 脈沖相關(guān)因子pulse correlative factor