- 四肢(n) the four limbs of the body
- 她的舉動(dòng)真令我受不了。Her behavior really drives me round the bend.
- 他伸開(kāi)四肢躺在床上。He is lying in a sprawl on the bed.
- 這一舉動(dòng)構成了侵略行為。This move constitutes an act of aggression.
- 四肢無(wú)力weakness of limbs
- 不理智的舉動(dòng)thoughtless acts
- 四肢的appendicular
- 他的舉動(dòng)令人厭惡。His conduct was disgusting.
- 累壞了的男孩攤開(kāi)四肢躺在草地上。The tired boy sprawled on the grass.
- 這一舉動(dòng)在去年成為全球性的頭條新聞。This move made headlines worldwide last year.
- 我喜歡四肢全伸開(kāi)松散地躺在大床上。I like to sprawl out in a big bed.
- 他把竊盜的舉動(dòng)戲劇化了。She playacted the movements of a burglar.
- 他四肢伸開(kāi)躺在那里。He lay there in a sprawl.
- 褻瀆神明的舉動(dòng)a profane act
- 四肢病acropathy
- 嚴格注意行為或舉動(dòng)的小細節的Strictly attentive to minute details of form in action or conduct.
- 兒童的柔軟四肢the supple limbs of a child
- 他非常懊悔自己輕率的舉動(dòng)He lamented his thoughtless acts.
- 人都有四肢。Men and women have four limbs.
- 一個(gè)最能體現政治家風(fēng)度的舉動(dòng)an act of supreme statesmanship