- 一方面支持?;?但另一方面對于雙方?;鸷笤趺崔k則含混其詞。Support of the cease-fire was coupled with considerable vagueness as to what the parties were supposed to do afterward.
- 其its
- 部長(cháng)對失業(yè)問(wèn)題閃爍其詞。The minister hedged on the question of unemployment.
- 與其it's better ... than ...
- 他借分別時(shí)的機會(huì ),通過(guò)閃爍其詞的暗示對姑娘進(jìn)行試探。He had taken the opportunity of sounding the girl in the broken hints he threw out at parting
- 順其自然let nature take its course
- 其后thereafter
- 日常用詞意義的含混引起了許多誤解。The imprecision of the ordinary words led to many misunderstandings.
- 主持詞chair words
- 構詞word-building; word-formation
- 其自身proprietary
- 電氣工程及其自動(dòng)化Electrical Engineering and Its Automation
- 由于日常用詞意義含混,那官員不得不改用術(shù)語(yǔ)。The official was forced into technical terms by the imprecision of the ordinary words.
- 與其給折扣,不如減價(jià)。Better reduce the price than allow a discount.
- 由于日常用詞意義含混,那官員不得不改用術(shù)語(yǔ)。The official was forced into technical terms by the imprecision of the ordinary words
- 從其thereout
- 究其原因trace it to its cause
- 晚上的其時(shí)間用來(lái)開(kāi)展文體活動(dòng)。The rest of the evening was given over to sports and games.
- 望其項背approach somebody's greatness
- 年代從某一具體日期算起的一段時(shí)間,也用作其年代系統的根據A period of time as reckoned from a specific date serving as the basis of its chronological system.