



  • - (吃東西) eat; take; make:

    make a hasty lunch; 匆匆吃頓午飯

    drink wine; 吃酒

    - (在某一出售食物的地方吃) have one's meals; eat:

    have one's meals in the mess 吃食堂

    - (依靠某種事物來生活) live on [off]:

    live on interest; 吃利錢

    Mountaineers rely on the mountains, just like those by the waterside profit from water.; If you live on a mountain, you live off the mountain; if you live by the water, you live off the water. 靠山吃山,靠水吃水。

    - (多用于軍事、棋戲: 消滅) annihilate;wipe out:

    annihilate an enemy regiment; 吃掉敵人一個團

    take a piece (in chess) 吃一個子兒

    - (耗費) exhaust; be a strain:

    feel the strain (of work, etc.); find a job difficult 感到吃力

    - (吸收液體) absorb; soak up:

    This plot does not take in water. 這塊地不吃水。

    This kind of paper does not absorb ink. 這種紙不吃墨。

    - (受; 挨) suffer; incur:

    be criticized; 吃批評

    suffer one defeat after another; 連吃敗仗

  • - (多見于早期白話: 被) by:

    was swindled by that fellow 吃那廝騙了



  1. 偷吃而不被人發現很有趣。
    It is fun eating by stealth without being found.
  2. 你隔多久就在外面吃一次飯?
    How often do you eat out?
  3. 他已經習慣在外面吃飯了。
    He is used to eating out all the time.
  4. 我一吃完晚飯就來這里了。
    I came here immediately after having my supper.
  5. 你吃過晚飯了嗎?
    Have you had your supper?
  6. 只要不吃得太多,你可以吃任何東西。
    You may eat anything, so long as you don't eat too much.
  7. 讓我們一起吃頓午餐吧。
    Let's get together for lunch.
  8. 科學家建議人們多吃些纖維素。
    Scientists are recommending that people eat more fiber.


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