



  • - (人或動物進飲食的器官; 嘴) mouth:

    Illness finds its way in by the mouth. 病從口入。

    Out of the mouth comes evil. 禍從口出。

    - (容器通外面的地方) mouth; rim:

    the mouth of a bottle; 瓶口兒

    the rim of a bowl; 碗口兒

    - (出入通過的地方) opening; entrance; mouth:

    exit; 出口

    the mouth of a cave; 洞口

    - (有關聯的部門聯成的系統) department; section:

    departments of trade and finance and affiliated organizations; 財貿口

    departments of culture and education as a whole 文教口

    - (長城的關口,多用做地名,也泛指這些關口) a gateway of the Great Wall (often used in place names):

    Zhangjiakou 張家口

    - (口子) cut; hole:

    wound; cut; 傷口

    tear a hole in one's jacket; 衣服撕了個口兒

    - (刀、 劍、 剪刀等的刃) the edge of a knife:

    The edge of the knife is turned. 刀卷口了。

    - (牲口的年齡) the age of a draft animal:

    This horse is still young. 這匹馬口還輕。

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Kou Lu 口祿

  • - (用于人):

    There are five people in his family. 他家五口人。

    - (用于牲畜,主要是豬):

    three pigs 三口豬

    - (用于有口或有刃的某些器物):

    a knife; 一口刀

    a well; 一口井

    - (用于語言):

    She speaks fluent English. 她說一口流利的英語。

    - (用于口腔動作次數):

    make a mouthful of (sth.); 一口吞下

    He took a bite at the apple. 他咬了一口蘋果。



  1. 一只老鼠從黑暗的洞口跑出。
    A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave.
  2. 聽到這個消息,他驚訝得張口結舌。
    On hearing the news, his jaw dropped.
  3. 輪船橫著停泊在港口里。
    The ship was anchored athwart at the harbor mouth.
  4. 他的藥可以注射或口服。
    His medicine is a drug that can be injected or taken by mouth.
  5. 我的口腔出現了潰瘍。
    My mouth has an ulcer.
  6. 這些巧克力真正是入口即化。
    These chocolates really melt in your mouth.
  7. 我在流口水了。
    My mouth is watering.


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