



  • - (把人或財物留住; 阻擋) block; check:

    block all the passageways; 卡住所有的通道

    The accountant checked this unnecessary spending in good time. 會計及時卡住了這筆不必要的開支。

    - (用手的虎口緊緊按?。?clutch:

    seize [catch] sb. by the throat 卡脖子

  • - (熱量單位,卡路里的簡稱) calorie
  • - (卡片) card:

    classified card; 分類卡

    index card; 索引卡

  • - (夾在中間,不能活動) wedge; get stuck; bejammed:

    The ship was jammed between two rocks. 那艘船被卡在兩塊暗礁之間。

    The shuttle often got stuck, causing a lot of broken ends. 梭子常??ㄗ?,造成大量斷頭。

  • - (夾東西的用具)clip; fastener:

    hairpin 發卡

    - (關卡) checkpost:

    border checkpoint 邊卡



  1. 劃入信用卡的錢可以隨時支取。
    Money put into the credit cards is at call.
  2. 圣誕節是朋友家人互相再見,以及寄圣誕卡給住在遠方的人的一段時間。
    Christmas is a time for friends and family members to see each other again and to send Christmas cards to those who live far away.
  3. 把它記在我的信用卡的帳號里。
    Have it charged to my credit card.
  4. 一盎司糖可以供給多少卡熱量?
    How many calories can an ounce of sugar supply?
  5. 她的規定飲食限制她每天攝入1500卡的熱量。
    Her diet restricts her to 1500 calories a day.
  6. 他丟了信用卡。
    He lost his credit card.
  7. 到現在為止,我已經收到了十一張圣誕卡片。
    I have received eleven Christmas cards by now.
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