[qiāng qiǎng]




  • - (搶劫) rob; loot:

    The enemy soldiers looted the treasures of the art museum. 敵軍士兵搶走了藝術(shù)博物館的珍藏。

    That man robbed me of my wallet. 那個(gè)人搶走了我的錢(qián)包。

    - (搶奪) snatch; grab:

    Don't grab! 別搶!

    He snatched away the photo. 她把照片搶了過(guò)去。

    - (搶先; 爭先) vie for; scramble for:

    vie with each other for the dirtiest or hardest jobs; 搶干臟活重活

    scramble for the ball 搶球

    - (趕緊; 突擊) rush:

    rush in the harvest; 搶收

    rush to repair dikes 搶修河堤

    - (刮掉或擦掉物體表面的一層) scrape; scratch:

    scrape the bottom of the pot; 把鍋底搶一搶

    sharpen scissors and kitchen knives; 磨剪子搶菜刀

  • - (觸; 撞) knock:

    lament to heaven and knock one's head on earth -- utter cries of anguish 呼天搶地

  • - (方向相對; 逆) against:

    against the wind 搶風(fēng)



  1. 我(的現金和支票簿)被搶了。
    I was robbed (of my cash and cheque-book).
  2. 他聲稱(chēng)他遭到搶劫。
    He made out that he had been robbed.
  3. 一名匪徒在街上制造事端引人注目,其余匪徒則搶劫銀行。
    One of the gang created a diversion in the street while the others robbed the bank.
  4. 她僅有的一點(diǎn)兒錢(qián)都被搶了。
    She was robbed of what little money she had.
  5. 他們不僅搶奪你的財物,還要把每樣東西都搗毀。
    Not only do they rob you, they smash everything too.
  6. 他搶走了她所有的錢(qián)。
    He robbed her of all her money.
  7. 搶救人員沖向飛機墜毀的現場(chǎng)。
    Rescue workers rushed to the site of the plane crash.
  8. 他們把他打倒在地,搶走了他的公文包。
    They knocked him down and robbed him of his briefcase.


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