



  • - (用紙、布等裹) wrap:

    wrap things up; 把東西包起來

    make jiaozi [dumplings]; 包餃子

    - (圍繞; 包圍) surround; encircle; envelop:

    surround from both sides; 從兩邊包過去

    The hills were enveloped in dense fog. 濃霧包住了群山。

    - (容納在里頭; 總括在一起) include; contain:

    all-inclusive; all-embracing 無所不包

    - (全部承擔) undertake the whole thing:

    I shall take full charge of the matter. 這件事包在我身上。

    Just leave it all to me. 這事由我包了吧。

    - (擔保) assure; guarantee:

    You'll like it; I assure you. 包你滿意。

    You can rest assured. 包你沒錯。

    - (約定專用) hire; charter:

    hire [charter] a boat; 包了一只船

    Our school chartered three buses for the trip. 我們學校為那次旅行包了三輛公共汽車。

  • - (包好了的東西) bundle; package; pack; packet; parcel:

    postal parcel [packet]; 郵包

    pack of dynamite; explosive package 炸藥包

    - (裝東西的袋) bag; sack:

    handbag; bag; 手提包

    satchel; school bag 書包

    - (物體或身體上鼓起的疙瘩) protuberance; swelling; lump:

    have a swelling in the arm; 胳膊上起了個包

    have [get] a bump on one's forehead; 腦門子上碰了個包

    - (氈制的圓頂帳篷) yurt:

    Mongolian yurt 蒙古包

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Bao Zheng 包拯

  • - (用于成包的東西) bale; box; bundle; package; pack; packet; sack:

    a big bundle of clothes; 一大包衣服

    a bale of cotton yarn; 一包棉紗



  1. 這本書有紅色的包裝。
    The book has a red wrapper.
  2. 我對一直放在走廊里的那個包裹有些懷疑。
    I'm a bit suspicious about the package that's been left in the corridor.
  3. 他收到一個扎得很緊的包裹。
    He received a compact package.
  4. 他郵寄給我一個包裹。
    He sent me a package by post.
  5. 郵遞員給我送來一個大包裹。
    The postman brought me a large package.
  6. 他把包裹扛上了肩。
    He hoisted the package over his shoulder.
  7. 他把舊衣服包成一包放在櫥里。
    He packaged up his old clothes and put them in the cupboard.
  8. 他用繩子把包裹扎緊。
    He tied the package with a cord.


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