



  • - (勞動(dòng)) work; labour:

    No pains, no gains. 不勞則無(wú)獲。

    - (煩勞) put sb. to the trouble of; trouble sb. with sth.:

    I'm sorry to trouble you a lot. 勞您費心了。

    Will you please do me a favour [give me a hand]? 勞你幫個(gè)忙。

    - (慰勞) express one's appreciation (to the performer of a task); reward; bring gifts to:

    reward with food and drink; 犒勞

    bring greetings and gifts to army units 勞軍

  • - (辛勞;煩勞;疲勞) hard; wearisome; tired
  • - (功勞) merit; achievements; service:

    meritorious service; 勛勞

    war exploits; one's contributions in work 汗馬之勞

    - (勞動(dòng)者) workers; labourers:

    trouble between labor and management 勞資糾紛

    - (勞苦; 疲勞) fatigue; toil:

    willingly bear the burden of office; 任勞任怨

    break down from constant overwork 積勞成疾

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Lao Hui 勞暉



  1. 她雖疲勞但仍繼續工作。
    She kept on working although she was tired.
  2. 【諺】無(wú)蜂則無(wú)密,不勞則無(wú)酬。
    No bees, no honey; no work, no money.
  3. 如果勞資雙方達不成妥協(xié),就會(huì )發(fā)生罷工。
    If labour and management don't reach an accommodation there will be a strike.
  4. 農夫正在勞動(dòng)的時(shí)候,耙子斷了。
    The farmer's harrow was broken during his working.
  5. 多年艱苦的勞動(dòng)使他喪失了健康。
    He forfeited his health due to years of hard work.
  6. 他在勞動(dòng)人民中一如既往聲望很高。
    His popularity among working people remains as strong as ever.
  7. 不要在昏暗的燈光下學(xué)習,那樣會(huì )使你的眼睛過(guò)度疲勞的。
    Don't try your eyes by working in a dim light.


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