- 刑punishment
- 刖cut off the feet as punishment
- 刑的penal
- 作刖function
- 黥面刖足have sb.'s kneecaps removed and his face tattooed
- 獲刑be sentenced
- 刖法修正amendment to criminal act
- 刑拘detain
- 斷手刖足cut off sb.'s hands and feet; cut off sb.'s hands or chop off his legs
- 刑滿(mǎn)expiry of punishment
- 黥首刖足brand sb.'s face and cut off his feet
- 刖趾適履cut the feet to fit the shoes; act a Procrustean manner; make fit the Procrustean bed
- 鞭刑的baculine
- 醋酰胺刖ascetarsone; acetarsol
- 他對囚犯施加苛刑。He inflicted severe penalties on the prisoners.
- 次硫酸非那刖aldarsone
- 火刑stake
- 法庭當場(chǎng)以謀殺罪判他刑。The court slapped a murder rap on him.
- 求刑prosection
- 我因蔑視法庭被判了5天刑,結果現在大家都認為我是一個(gè)囚犯。I was sentenced to five days for contempt of court and now everybody thinks I'm a jail-bird.