- 切近close to
- 切近碰撞lose collision
- 切to cut
- 近near
- 權限切近原則Grundsatz de Naherberechtigung; Grundsatz der grosseren Nahe
- 切的incisal
- 這樣注解比較切近作者原意。This explanatory note seems to be closer to what is ment by the author.
- 近的anear
- 近距離close quarters
- 切成chop in
- 近義詞near synonym
- 裁切cut
- 近幾年in recent years
- 切碎cut up
- 拉近further; zoom in; make.close
- 切邊trimming cut
- 近戰close fighting
- 橫切transversely
- 切勿be sure not
- 趨近adience