- 決戰(n) an all decisive battle
- 苦戰struggle hard
- 部隊為決戰作好準備。The troops poised for a final battle.
- 苦戰到底fight back to the ropes
- 苦戰四盤(pán)struggle hard four sets
- 決戰開(kāi)始了。The decisive battle has begun.
- 一番苦戰arduous struggle
- 苦戰五盤(pán)struggle hard five sets
- (公元前395年)在伯羅奔尼撒半島的決戰中打敗雅典人的斯巴達指揮官。Spartan commander who defeated the Athenians in the final battle of the Peloponnesian War (d. 395 BC).
- 苦戰三盤(pán)struggle hard three sets
- 敵人在決戰中損失慘重。The enemy lost heavily in the decisive battle.
- 苦戰五局five-set battle
- 刻日決戰To fight a decisive Battle at an early date
- 苦戰嚴寒struggle hard against severe cold
- 決戰猩球Battle for the Planet of the Apes
- 苦戰三局之后after three set harding work
- 踐墨隨敵,以決戰事。Walk in the path defined by rule, and accommodate yourself to the enemy until you can fight a decisive battle.
- 他們在苦戰時(shí),你們怎么可以袖手旁觀(guān)?How could you watch with folded arms when they were fighting bitterly?
- 決戰決勝determine to fight and win; firm resolve to fight and win
- 棋到中盤(pán),我還是苦戰.Middle of a chess game, I still worked hard.