會(huì )計的英文翻譯
- 會(huì )計 [kuài jì]
- (會(huì )計工作) accounting; accountancy:
financial accounting; 財務(wù)會(huì )計
cost accounting; 成本會(huì )計
- (會(huì )計人員) accountant; bookkeeper -
短語(yǔ)會(huì )計報表accounting statement會(huì )計報告accounting report會(huì )計變動(dòng)accounting changes會(huì )計標準化accounting standard會(huì )計差錯accounting errors會(huì )計常規accounting conventions會(huì )計成本管理accounting cost control會(huì )計成本監督accounting cost control會(huì )計成本統駁accounting cost control會(huì )計程序accounting procedure會(huì )計單位accounting unit會(huì )計檔案accounting archives; accounting file會(huì )計法案accounting legislation會(huì )計法規accounting code會(huì )計方程accounting equation會(huì )計方法accounting method會(huì )計分錄accounting entry會(huì )計分析analysis of financial statements會(huì )計個(gè)體accounting entity會(huì )計工作accountancy會(huì )計功能accounting function會(huì )計管理management through accounting會(huì )計匯率accounting rate會(huì )計機器accounting machines會(huì )計計算機accounting machine; clerical machine會(huì )計檢查auditing會(huì )計校驗accounting check會(huì )計接口job accounting interface會(huì )計結算期accounting period會(huì )計科目accounting item; account title會(huì )計科目表card of accounting會(huì )計列表機tabulator會(huì )計憑單accounting document; accounting voucher會(huì )計期(間)accounting period會(huì )計期間慣例accounting period convention會(huì )計人員accountant會(huì )計實(shí)務(wù)accounting practice會(huì )計事項accounting event會(huì )計室accountant's office會(huì )計手冊account manual會(huì )計體系accounting system會(huì )計統駁accounting control會(huì )計習慣作法accounting conventions or practices會(huì )計系統accounting system會(huì )計信息accounting information會(huì )計選擇accounting option會(huì )計學(xué)accounting會(huì )計業(yè)務(wù)accounting event會(huì )計原理accounting principle會(huì )計原則accounting principles會(huì )計員purse bearer會(huì )計運算accounting operation會(huì )計賬簿account book會(huì )計證據accounting evidence會(huì )計職務(wù)accountantship會(huì )計制表系統accounting system會(huì )計制度accounting system; system of account會(huì )計周期accounting cycle會(huì )計主任controller of accounts會(huì )計助理員assistant accountant
會(huì )計的用法和樣例:
那個(gè)會(huì )計向營(yíng)業(yè)部的職員介紹了自己的工作情況。
The accountant described his work to the sales staff. -
雇會(huì )計劃得來(lái)。
It would pay (you) to use an accountant. -
他已由倉庫調到會(huì )計室任職。
He has transferredfrom the warehouse to the accounts office. -
那會(huì )計盜用了協(xié)會(huì )的基金。
The treasurer misappropriated the society's funds. -
會(huì )計拐走了俱樂(lè )部的資金。
The treasurer has run off with the club's funds. -
會(huì )計科已完全計算機化了。
The accounts section has been completely computerized. -
我們的經(jīng)理精通會(huì )計制度。
Our manager is conversant with account system. -
她的錢(qián)被一個(gè)奸詐的會(huì )計騙去了。
She was defrauded of her money by a dishonest accountant.