



  • - (把事物轉移給有關方面) hand over; give up; deliver:

    pay Party membership dues; 交黨費

    deliver tax grain to the state; 交公糧

    - (到某一時辰或季節) reach (a certain hour or season); set in; come:

    when winter sets in; 交冬以后

    Spring set in early this year. 今年交春早。

    - (時間、地區相連接) (of places or periods of time) meet; join:

    when spring is changing into summer; 春夏之交

    The Jinggang Mountains stand where the boundaries of four counties meet. 井岡山位于四縣之交。

    - (交叉) cross; intersect:

    Line AB intersects line CD at E. AB和CD兩線相交于E點。

    Any two diameters of a circle intersect each other. 圓周內兩直徑必相交。

    - (結交) associate with:

    make friends 交朋友

    - (性交) have sexual intercourse
    - (交配) mate; breed:

    crossbed 雜交

  • - (互相) mutual; reciprocal; each other:

    exchange 交換

  • - (一齊; 同時) together; simultaneously:

    wind and rain coming at one and the same time; 風雨交加

    be beset with difficulties at home and abroad 內外交困

  • - (交往; 交誼) acquaintance; friendship; relationship:

    nodding [bowing] acquaintance; 點頭之交

    a friendship of many years; 多年之交

    - (朋友) friend:

    old friend; 故交

    bosom [intimate] friend 知交

    - (交易) business transaction; deal; bargain:

    strike a bargain; conclude a transaction; clinch a deal 成交

    - (跟頭) fall:

    have a fall; 跌了一交

    He slipped and fell heavily. 他腳一滑,摔了一大交。



  1. 戴維覺得(與別的孩子)交朋友是很難的事。
    David finds it hard to make friends (with other children).
  2. 這個百萬富翁已把他一半的股票移交給他的長子。
    The millionaire has handed over 50 percent of his stock to his first son.
  3. 通知她交納罰款,但她拒不服從。
    She was told to pay the fine, but refused to comply.
  4. 直線AB與直線CD相交於E點。
    The lines AB and CD intersect at E.
  5. 行李將在車站交給你。
    The baggage will be delivered to you at the station.
  6. 在會上,我們就此事交換了意見。
    We exchanged our opinions about the event at the meeting.
  7. 我不喜歡和懶惰的人交朋友。
    I don't want to make friends with indolent persons.
  8. 一談到交朋友,你再怎么小心也不為過。
    When it comes to making friends, you cannot be too careful.


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