- 極其棘手的談判negotiations of great delicacy
- 他事事都墨守成規。He does everything by rule.
- 這成了新州長(cháng)的一個(gè)棘手的問(wèn)題。This presented a nasty problem to the new governor.
- 事事都使我們高興。All things delight us.
- 這事兒可真棘手哇!What a sod this job is proving to be!
- 我想我沒(méi)什么要抱怨的,我已80高齡,身心健康,事事如意。I suppose I can't complain; I am eighty years old and sound in health and mind. I've had a good innings.
- 他們面臨棘手的經(jīng)濟問(wèn)題。They are faced with slippery economic problems.
- 看來(lái)家中并非事事如意。It seems that all is not well at home.
- 幾個(gè)棘手的問(wèn)題使嫌疑犯泄漏了真情。A few confusing questions tripped up the suspect.
- 每事淺嘗輒止,事事都告無(wú)成。A little of every thing is nothing in the main.
- 那是棘手的工作。That was tough work.
- 史密斯先生在市里事事都參與。Mr Smith has his finger in every pie in the city.
- 年青的外科醫生為腎移植這一棘手的手術(shù)苦思冥想。The young surgeon contemplated the difficult operation of kidney transplant.
- 望你事事稱(chēng)心。Hope things go all right with you.
- 用動(dòng)物做科學(xué)試驗引起了一些棘手的道德問(wèn)題。The use of animals in scientific tests raises some difficult ethical questions.
- 當上了歌劇明星也決非事事如意。Being an opera star is not all roses by any means.
- 棘手的工作a tough job
- 事事無(wú)不矛盾。Contradiction faces him at every turn.
- 無(wú)論是對于商人還是學(xué)生,回復這種信件都是一件最棘手的工作。The replies to such letters are among the most delicate pieces of work which face both the business man and the student.
- 瑪麗事事吹毛求疵,叫我好不耐煩。Mary niggled over everything until my patience was worn out.