



  • - (用交通工具或牲畜代替步行; 乘坐) ride:

    ride in a bus; go by bus; 乘公共汽車

    travel by train [plane, ship, boat]; 乘火車[飛機,海輪,船] 旅行

    - (趁; 乘便,乘機; 利用條件、機會等) take advantage of; avail oneself of:

    take the enemy unawares; 乘敵不備

    no crack to get in by; no loophole to exploit 無隙可乘

    - {數} (進行乘法運算) multiply:

    Five times three is fifteen.; 5 multiplied by 3 is 15. 5乘3等于15。

    - (追逐) pursue; chase
  • - (佛教的教派或教義) a main division of Buddhist schools:

    Mahayana; Great Vehicle; 大乘

    Hinayana; Little Vehicle 小乘

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Cheng Chang 乘昌

  • - (通稱一般史書) historical works:

    history; annals; 史乘

    unofficial history 野乘

    - {史} (古代稱四匹馬拉的車,一輛為一乘) a war chariot drawn by four horses:

    a state with a thousand chariots 千乘之國



  1. 我可以順路搭乘你的車嗎?
    Can I hitch a ride with you?
  2. 以無窮數乘y。
    Multiply y by infinity.
  3. 要乘飛機必須提前定位子。
    To ride in an aeroplane you have to book in advance.
  4. 我們乘船經水路去旅行。
    We took a ship by waterway to travel.
  5. 我兒子六歲的時候開始學習乘法。
    My son began to study multiplication when he was six.
  6. 他搭乘便車往南去意大利,然后從那里進入法國。
    He hitched south towards Italy, and thence into France.
  7. 我們可以免費搭乘卡車去倫敦。
    We can hitch a ride to London on a lorry.
  8. 7乘4等于28。
    Four multiplied by seven is twenty-eight.


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