- 新一代的“威姿” 豐田新YarisNew TOYOTA Yaris
- 威姿橫掃歐洲市場(chǎng)Vitz sweep anything away in Europe market
- 威might
- 姿looks
- 薇姿Vichy
- 海參威[俄地名]vladivostok
- 多姿colourful
- 在為豐田車(chē)隊效力了四年之后,宗塔也加入了雷諾車(chē)隊。Zonta will join Renaul t after four seasons at Toyota.
- 威化餅waffle
- 雅姿Artistry
- 威靈頓wellington
- 容姿looks
- 最近十年來(lái)他借助自己的威來(lái)促進(jìn)和平。He has used his influence for peace the last ten years.
- 威壓overbear
- 泳姿stroke
- 第三姿式在擊箭中閃避或一刺的第三種姿式The third position from which a parry or thrust can be made in fencing.
- 核威nuclear strength
- 斗雞發(fā)威時(shí)豎起了羽毛。The fighting cock ruffled up its feathers in anger.
- 梟雄之姿carriage of a vallain
- 冰姿雪魄of purity of soul