- 東一句,西一句drag in irrelevant matters
- 他說(shuō)話(huà)是東一句,西一句。He talks incoherently.
- 句sentence
- 他們給他的勸告可歸結為一句話(huà):他應該注意自己的身體。The advice they gave him boiled down to this: he should take care of his own health.
- `你剛才談什麼來(lái)著(zhù)?'`噢,東一件事西一件事什麼都談。'`What did you talk about?' `Oh, this and that.'
- 最后一句話(huà)last word
- 她渾身濕透,披頭散發(fā),東一綹,西一綹地貼在頭上,搭在肩上。She was soaked and her hair, disheveled, clung damply to her head and hung down her shoulders in bedraggled wisps.
- 老師的一句話(huà)對我們的孩子有很大的影響。Teacher's a sentence has the very big influence to our child.
- 一句名言ana
- 這比東一件事情、西一件事情到處干預好得多,黨的威信自然就會(huì )提高。With this way of working,which is far better than having a finger in every pie,the Party's prestige will naturally grow.
- 下午第六輪對陣的蔣文化的棋路漂忽,東一榔頭西一棒,頗有上手風(fēng)范.Chiang culture at the sixth round of the aircraft suddenly floating chess Road, East West a hammer blow, it is quite unfamiliar style.
- 我努力想聽(tīng)清他講課講的每一字每一句。I tried hard not to lose a word of his lecture.
- 好話(huà)一句三東暖。A word of praise will keep one warm for three winters.
- 我們的聲音時(shí)高時(shí)低;有時(shí)一句最尖刻的話(huà)竟如耳語(yǔ)一般。Our voices rose and fell; sometimes the bitterest remark was a whisper.
- 無(wú)閑暇何來(lái)自由--說(shuō)這一句話(huà)就夠了。Suffice it that without leisure there is no liberty.
- 一句話(huà),他的突然去世使他全家失去了希望。Suffice it to say that his sudden death left his family hopeless.
- 老板因為他說(shuō)了一句冒犯的話(huà)就把他開(kāi)除了。The boss kicked him out for an offensive remark.
- 他一句不得體的話(huà)使談話(huà)無(wú)法繼續下去了。His tactless remark killed the conversation.
- 每一字每一句都帶著(zhù)對孩子的深切叮嚀。Every word and every phrase can be an encouragement and exhortation to his son.
- 她每說(shuō)一句話(huà),大家便報以哄堂大笑。Every new announcement of hers was greeted with shouts of laughter.