- 中國作為著(zhù)名的文明古國,自1985年加入世界遺產(chǎn)公約,截至2004年7月,共有30個(gè)項目被聯(lián)合國教科文組織列入《世界遺產(chǎn)名錄》。China acceded to the legacy convention of the world since1985 as the famous ancient civilized country, by July of2004,30 projects in all are listed in" the legacy register of the world" by UNESCO.
- 世界遺產(chǎn)的概念由聯(lián)合國教科文組織在1972年的《保護世界文化與自然遺產(chǎn)公約》中確立,對于保護全人類(lèi)共同的文化與自然遺產(chǎn)具有劃時(shí)代的意義。The conception of the "World Heritage" was first established by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) in the Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972). There is epochal significance in the conservation of common cultural and natural heritage of human beings.
- 世界world
- 保護世界文化和自然遺產(chǎn)公約Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
- 保護美洲國家考古、歷史和藝術(shù)遺產(chǎn)公約;Convention on the Protection of the Archeological, Historical and Artistic Heritage of the American Nations;
- 世界上(of the) world
- 遺產(chǎn)heritage
- 世界的international
- 保護美洲國家考古和藝術(shù)遺產(chǎn)公約(圣薩爾瓦多公約);Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological, Historical and Artistic Heritage of the American Nations (Convention of San Salvador)
- 世界末日doomsday
- 新世界New World
- 世界經(jīng)濟global economy
- 世界地圖map of the world
- 涉及其歷史和文化傳統的任何國際文書(shū)需要與《保護無(wú)形文化遺產(chǎn)公約》和所有其他相關(guān)國際文書(shū)保持一致。Any international instrument on all its history and cultural traditions needed to be aligned to the Convention on the Protection of Intangible Heritage and all other relevant international instruments.
- 世界遺產(chǎn)基金World Heritage fund
- 被列為世界遺產(chǎn)的格林威治也將主辦馬術(shù)比賽和現代五項的比賽。The World Heritage Site of Greenwich will host Equestrian events and the Modern Pentathlon.
- 世界文化遺產(chǎn)world cultural heritage
- 世界遺產(chǎn)委員會(huì )the World Heritage Commission
- 世界遺產(chǎn)The world heritage
- 龍門(mén)石窟被列為聯(lián)合國教科文組織的世界遺產(chǎn)保護單位。The Longmen Caves, or Grottoes, in Luoyang. One of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.