



  1. 那孩子不斷的哭聲弄得我幾乎要發(fā)狂。
    The child's continual crying drove me to distraction.
  2. 連續不斷的大風(fēng)把那懸崖底部的泥沙都吹走了。
    The base of the cliff had been washed away in the continuous gales.
  3. 他想寫(xiě)點(diǎn)東西,可是窗外連續不斷的喧鬧聲使他定不下心來(lái)。
    He was trying to write, but the continuous noise outside his window put him off.
  4. 卷筒紙的一卷在制造過(guò)程中或已進(jìn)入新聞出版網(wǎng)的一大卷連續不斷的紙,如新聞紙
    A large continuous roll of paper, such as newsprint, either in the process of manufacture or as it is fed into a web press.
  5. 族間血仇,血系間的復仇由殺戳引起的并通過(guò)以牙還牙的報復行為而持續不斷的兩個(gè)家族或宗族之間的世仇;血仇
    A feud between two families or clans that arises out of a slaying and is perpetuated by retaliatory acts of revenge; a blood feud.
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