- column對象column object
- Section-TIN-GTP模型section-TIN-GTP model
- (=frozen section) 冰凍切片f.s.
- Bertins column貝坦氏柱
- 第三節 section C 簡(jiǎn)單短文Why do people want to use postcards?
- Clarkes column背核
- Larimer column (十字形)工字鋼組合柱
- boom section (噴霧器的)噴桿組
- 第三節 section C 簡(jiǎn)單短文?From the last piece of news, who beat the Rifles 7 to 3?
- view是與column關(guān)聯(lián)的視圖。View is the view with which column is associated.
- 第一節 section A 簡(jiǎn)單短文?What dream did he have when the old man slept on the bench?
- column_id列號標識帶索引的列。Column_id The column number identifies which column is indexed.
- (=cross-section) 橫斷面,橫切面x sect.
- udt_column_name的公共數據成員。Is a public data member of udt_column_name.
- cesarean section 剖宮產(chǎn),剖腹產(chǎn)C / sec.
- column_name不限于索引定義中的列。Column_name is not restricted to the columns in the index definition.
- chamfered section (絲錐的)前錐部
- 使用COLUMN WIDTHS子句可指定列的寬度。The width of the columns can be specified using the COLUMN WIDTHS clause.
- equalizing section (窯池的)溫度調節區
- DISTINCT column-name不能在動(dòng)態(tài)SQL中使用。DISTINCT column-name cannot be used from dynamic SQL.