- U=uranium鈾
- uranium Ⅱ鈾Ⅱ
- uranium Ⅱ, uranium-234鈾Ⅱ
- uranium dioxide (釉的色劑)二氧化鈾
- 同eluotropic serieselutropic series
- Jothian series(前寒武紀)約特尼統
- naphthene series (環(huán)石蠟族)環(huán)烷族
- (=cervical series) 頸部系列(放射學(xué))cerv. ser.
- 為簡(jiǎn)單起見(jiàn),餅形圖將只用一個(gè)數據series。For simplicity, only one series of data will be used for the pie chart.
- 如果您正在處理多個(gè)數據series,將它們存儲在If you were working with multiple data series it would make sense to store them in a
- 金花茶系植物(Series Chrysanthae Chang)的花粉形態(tài)POLLEN MORPHOLOGY OF SEVERAL YELLOW CAMELLIAS (Ser. Chrysanthae Chang)
- Sequential Tests of Educational Progress, Series Ⅲ教育發(fā)展的系列試驗Ⅲ
- Series Ⅲ Sequential Tests of Educational Progress教育發(fā)展的系列試驗Ⅲ
- 在IBM Series/1中,一種數據集定義,在以成批方式通話(huà)期間完全有效。In Series / 1, the data set definitions that are in effect at any point in time during a batch session.
- 在IBM Series/1中,一種由IBM提供或用$DASDI公用程序建立的軟盤(pán)。In Series / 1, a diskette supplied by IBM or created by the %24 DA SDI utility.
- 在IBM Series/1中,其中包含指向全部分區控制描述符的指針的一張表。In Series/1,a table that contains pointers to all the partition control descriptors (PCDs)
- 在你準備再次使用該series的時(shí)候,你需要把它的索引轉到頭的位置,例如To continue to use the series you will need to return it to its head position with the following line
- 在Series/1中,使用編輯命令(ED)時(shí),文本編輯程序一次能顯示的那些正文行in Series/1,the text lines displayed at one time by the text editor when using the edit(ED) command
- 變異鐵角蕨系(Series Variantia Ching et S.H.Wn)主產(chǎn)我國,形態(tài)變異大。The series Variantia Ching et S. H. Wu mainly occur in China and its members are highly variable in morphology.
- 為使這個(gè)練習更加有趣,我將向您展示如何動(dòng)態(tài)地更改series元素的值和重畫(huà)條形圖。To make this exercise more interesting, I ll show you how to dynamically change the value of a series element and redraw the bar graph.