- Diplomacy becomes trench warfare. 外交變成了壕溝戰。
- They changed the way we fought war--caused us to back away from trench warfare. 以往的發(fā)明也曾改變過(guò)我們進(jìn)行戰爭的方式,使我們遠離了塹壕戰。
- Instead of the war ending quickly, it became bogged down in trench warfare. 沖突不但沒(méi)有很快結束,而且還加劇成為塹壕戰。
- As many of these branches are revived for the campaign, trench warfare is likely to erupt over the succession. 隨著(zhù)這些分支機構的許多組織由于選舉活動(dòng)振奮起來(lái),就繼任議題可能爆發(fā)陣地戰。
- The other three games were more of the trench warfare variety, with Rogers winning while Johansen and West both drew. 其余三局則都是陣地戰,其中羅杰斯獲勝,而約翰遜和韋斯特均弈和。
- As with other armies, the Austro-Hungarian Uhlans were forced into a largely dismounted role by the realities of trench warfare by the end of 1914. 與其他部隊一樣,在1914年底戰壕戰的現實(shí)下奧地利槍騎兵被迫扮演了一個(gè)大規模的步兵角色。
- The hope that his superior campaigning skills would make a difference evaporated in the realization that electioneering had become a form of trench warfare. 意識到選舉活動(dòng)已成為一種塹壕戰,他的通過(guò)出色的競選技巧來(lái)制造差距的希望化為了泡影。
- One recalls from old photographs and movie or television screens, the comatose and glazed expressions of survivors of the great bombardments of World War I and the attendant horrors and death of trench warfare. 一個(gè)人會(huì )從老照片和電影或電視中播放的節目回憶起一戰期間猛烈炮戰中的生還者呆鈍的表情以及參加者恐懼和塹壕戰中的屠殺場(chǎng)景。
- Battle of Kursk in World War II, is the largest trench warfare in more than a month of fierce fighting, the two sides into force of 400 million people, the results of the Soviet victory. 庫爾斯克戰役是第二次世界大戰中最大的一次陣地戰,在一個(gè)多月的激戰中,雙方投入的兵力達400萬(wàn)人 ,結果蘇軍取得了勝利 。
- Ceremonies will be held in Europe and around the world today to mark the 90th anniversary of the end of the First World War in which millions of young men died in 4 years of brutal / trench warfare. 今天歐洲和全世界將舉行紀念會(huì )紀念第一次世界大戰結束90周年,在長(cháng)達4年的殘忍的戰壕戰役中,有數百萬(wàn)年輕人喪生。
- Over the breastwork, as an attack in trench warfare 在陣地戰斗中越過(guò)了胸墻的
- The band played a military march. 樂(lè )隊吹奏軍隊進(jìn)行曲。
- He sat out the bombardment in the trench. 他在壕溝內一直坐到炮轟停止。
- I forgot to dig a trench around the tent. 我忘了在帳篷四周挖一條溝。
- You cannot enter a military base without a permit. 無(wú)通行證者不得擅入軍事基地。
- guerrilla warfare works better to the overall victory than trench warfare. 對于戰爭全局的勝利 來(lái)說(shuō);游擊戰比陣地戰 更有效.
- Warfare has always expedited military technology. 戰爭總是在促進(jìn)軍事科技的進(jìn)步。
- The military has tightened its hold on the country. 軍方加強了對這個(gè)國家的控制。
- The naval warfare ended in our victory. 這次海戰以我們的勝利而告終。
- We fear the military might of the enemy. 我們懼怕敵人強大的軍事力量。