- 不計except
- 計入reckon in
- 可將它們想象成“基本”、“主要”或者“主”(primitive)類(lèi)型,進(jìn)行程序設計時(shí)要頻繁用到它們。you can think of these as "primitive" types that you use quite often in your programming.
- 計件by the job
- 變量
不能多次聲明 Variablecannot be declared multiple times - 可將它們想象成“基本”、“主要”或者“主”(Primitive)類(lèi)型,進(jìn)行程序設計時(shí)要頻繁用到它們。You can think of these as "primitive" types that you use quite often in your programming.
- 液位計juice level gauge
- variable operating cost (運輸)可變動(dòng)營(yíng)運費用
- 基本加膜,指防反光的加膜,加膜物質(zhì)的折光指數及厚度的值走綠色光波的四份之一,亦稱(chēng) primitive coatingquarter wavelength coating
- 硬度計sclerometer
- variable-block format(計算機的)可變數字組形式
- 計畫(huà)plan
- CREATE VARIABLE語(yǔ)句創(chuàng )建指定數據類(lèi)型的新變量。The CREATE VARIABLE statement creates a new variable of the specified data type.
- 時(shí)計hour meter
- independent variable×subject variable design自變量×被試變量設計 自變項×被試變項設計
- 事前計提基金advanced funding
- Whitworth's variable speed gear (帶有回轉連桿)惠氏變速機構
- 用計maneuver
- 體重計batheroom scales
- 它們屬于當前連接,當斷開(kāi)現有連接或使用DROP VARIABLE語(yǔ)句時(shí),它們就會(huì )消失。They belong to the current connection, and disappear when you disconnect from the database or when you use the DROP VARIABLE statement.