- 不計except
- 計入reckon in
- cic.selector.nl鍵指定了自然語(yǔ)言(NL)語(yǔ)言環(huán)境選擇,例如,zh、ja和en。The cic. Selector. Nl key specifies the Natural Language (NL) locale selections, such as zh, ja, and en.
- 聲明為final的變量不能用作減量運算符的操作數。A variable that is declared final cannot be used as the operand of a decrement operator.
- 計件by the job
- final關(guān)鍵字允許你標記方法,使得繼承類(lèi)不能載入它們。The final keyword allows you to mark methods so that an inheriting class can't overload them.
- 液位計juice level gauge
- 使用final可防止派生類(lèi)通過(guò)重寫(xiě)重要的函數而更改此類(lèi)的行為。Using final prevents derived classes from changing the behavior of the class by overriding important functions.
- 硬度計sclerometer
- 這些final屬性是可選的,因為使用的可能不是green-field數據庫。These final attributes are optional, since you might not be using a green-field database.
- 計畫(huà)plan
- 時(shí)計hour meter
- 需要為異步套接字服務(wù)器實(shí)現的final方法是返回客戶(hù)端發(fā)送的數據的讀取回調方法。The final method that needs to be implemented for the asynchronous socket server is the read callback method that returns the data sent by the client.
- 事前計提基金advanced funding
- 如果一個(gè)類(lèi)使用final修飾符來(lái)標記,則可用new運算符來(lái)創(chuàng )建該類(lèi)的實(shí)例,但該類(lèi)不能用作基類(lèi)。If a class is marked with the final modifier, instances of the class can be created with the new operator, but the class cannot serve as a base.
- 用計maneuver
- 體重計batheroom scales
- 計量器meter
- 忽略不計ignore
- 密度計densimeter