- 不計except
- 計入reckon in
- 計件by the job
- 確保已在A(yíng)dd References對話(huà)框中選中描述該對象的對象庫。Make sure the object library in which the object has been described has been selected in the Add References dialog box.
- 液位計juice level gauge
- 你能幫我找個(gè)教師職位嗎?Replies of the references介紹人應答Can you help me find a teaching job?
- 硬度計sclerometer
- REFERENCES子句現在支持級聯(lián)引用完整性操作SET NULL和SET DEFAULT。The REFERENCES clause now supports the SET NULL and SET DEFAULT cascading referential integrity actions.
- 計畫(huà)plan
- 執行CREATE FUNCTION語(yǔ)句的用戶(hù)對該函數引用的數據庫對象具有REFERENCES權限。The user who executed the CREATE FUNCTION statement has REFERENCES permission on the database objects that the function references.
- 時(shí)計hour meter
- 要將其轉換到.NET 2.0,在[Solution Explorer]窗格中打開(kāi)[References]文件夾。To convert it to.NET 2.0, open up the References folder in the Solution Explorer pane.
- 事前計提基金advanced funding
- 在[Solution Explorer]窗口中,右擊[References]文件夾,然后從彈出式菜單中選擇[Add Reference]。In the Solution Explorer window, right-click the References folder and choose Add Reference from the popup menu.
- 用計maneuver
- 體重計batheroom scales
- 假定我的報表需要使用自定義的AWC.RS.Library程序集(包含在文章的源代碼中),我必須首先使用References選項卡引用它。Assuming that my report needs to use the custom AWC.RS.Library assembly (included with the article source code), I must first reference it using the References tab.
- 計量器meter
- 忽略不計ignore
- 密度計densimeter