- 法law
- 無(wú)法unable
- 用法usage
- 說(shuō)法statement
- 不久前,筆者曾撰文強調政治和宗教分開(kāi),以及新加坡政體繼續保持世俗化(secular)的重要性。In a recent article in Zaobao, I stressed the importance of maintaining Singapore as a secular state and the separation of politics and religion.
- 輸入法input method
- 除法division
- 分析法analytical method
- 商法commercial law
- 行政法administrative law
- 賓夕法尼亞Pennsylvania
- 讀法pronunciation
- 法輪功Falun Gong Cult
- 法門(mén)method
- 沒(méi)法cannot
- 玩法playing method
- 表示法notation
- 理法logos
- 國際商法international commercial law
- 物權法property law