- 機machine
- 脫機off-line
- 經(jīng)過(guò)長(cháng)時(shí)間的醞釀,控制反轉模式(Inversion of Control)已經(jīng)得到了廣泛的應用。Inversion of Control(IoC) pattern has moved to the center stage recently after a long gestation period.
- 飲水機bubbler
- abbr. 雙,對,套(pair)pr.
- 死機system halted
- (=inversion) 轉化,內翻,性欲倒錯Inver.
- 壓機press
- initial inversion (粒子數)初始反轉
- 這意味著(zhù)列表中使用的pair的下半部分將始終指向一個(gè)列表。This means that the bottom half of a pair used in a list will always point to a list.
- 接機meet sb. at the airport
- 2-wire 4-wire 8-wire M-Pair選擇模式提供了靈活的速度傳輸速率Provide a point-to-point connectivity 2-wire 4-wire 8-wire M-Pair Mode selectable Offer a flexible rate options
- 機箱chassis
- 控制反轉(Inversion of Control,IoC)模式是一種框架設計模式,可以使軟件開(kāi)發(fā)框架具有組件間松散耦合、可擴展性高和可復用性高等優(yōu)點(diǎn)。Inversion of Control is a pattern of framework design,the software development framework with IoC pattern has some advantages such as loose coupling,higher extensibility and reusability.
- 播放機player (e.g. CD player)
- 乘機(adv) seize the opportunity
- 機頂盒set-top box
- 機號device number
- 機柜machine cabinet
- 板機gunlock