- 醫保medical insurance
- Torus網(wǎng)絡(luò )Torus networks
- 2-torus作用2-torus action
- fractureFraet.
- 醫改medical reform
- 非對易torusnoncommutative torus
- Torus拓撲結構Toms topology architecture
- (=fracture) 骨折,折斷frac.
- 非對易可積torusintegral noncommutative torus
- Le Fort Ⅰfracture勒福Ⅰ型骨折, 上頜水平骨折
- 諱疾忌醫conceal one's faults for fear of criticism
- Le Fort Ⅱ fracture勒福特Ⅱ型骨折, 單側或雙側上頜骨骨折, 上頜骨體部與面骨分離, 又稱(chēng)錐形骨折
- 醫者doctor
- Le Fort Ⅲfracture勒福Ⅲ型骨折
- 學(xué)醫study medicine
- 香蕉弄蝶(Erionota torus Evans),是香蕉葉部的重要害蟲(chóng)。The banana leaf skipper, Erionota torus Evans, spreading in several provinces in south China, was a severe pest infesting the leaves of bananas. The life-history and biological characters of the banana leaf skipper were observed during 1941-54, in Yongan, Shaxian and Fuzhou.
- Le FortⅠ fracture勒福Ⅰ型骨折
- 病急亂投醫turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill - try anything when in a desperate situation
- Colles fracture科勒斯氏骨折
- 女醫woman physician