- 醫保medical insurance
- "I hate failure""這句句子對不對?""Is this sentence correct: "I hate failure "? "
- 醫改medical reform
- 嘗試構建信任關(guān)系時(shí)發(fā)生“Failure Audit”停止錯誤"Failure Audit" Stop Error Occurs When You Try to Build a Trust Relationship
- 目的 探討急性心肌梗塞(Acute myocardial infarction,AMI)患者體表心電圖QT離散度表現 特征。Objective To evaluate findings of QT interval dispersion in acute myocardial infarction.
- [目的]探討兒童慢性腎功能衰竭(Chronic renal failure,CRF)病因。[Objective] To investigate the etiology of chronic renal failure(CRF)in children.
- 諱疾忌醫conceal one's faults for fear of criticism
- 目的系統評價(jià)心肌脂肪酸結合蛋白(H-FABP)早期診斷急性心肌梗死(acute myocardial infarction,AMI)的診斷價(jià)值。Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of human heart-type fatty acid-binding protein for early detection of acute myocardial infarction(AMI).
- 醫者doctor
- Negotiate Failure事件報告本地broker和遠程broker支持身份驗證的互斥級別。A Negotiate Failure event reports that the local broker and the remote broker support mutually exclusive levels of authentication.
- 學(xué)醫study medicine
- 本文基于J M Voas的Fault/Failure概念模型及其PIE分析,提出一個(gè)實(shí)用的軟件代碼精細分析技術(shù)和工具.Based on J M Voas' notional model of Fault/Failure and the PIE analysis, this paper develops a practical technology and presents an automated tool to analyze software code in detail.
- 病急亂投醫turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill - try anything when in a desperate situation
- 處理否定最基本的兩種方法是閉世界假定(closed world assumption)和失敗即否定原則(negation as failure)。One of the most valuable research fields in logic programs is deducing negative information. There are two basic rules to negation, closed world assumption and negation as failure.
- 女醫woman physician
- 醫神Aesculapius
- 失效評定圖(Failure Assessment Diagram,FAD)方法是進(jìn)行管道ECA評估非常有效的方法,該方法是英國中央電力局(CEGB)首先提出的。The failure assessment diagram (FAD) method is very effective to the EGA of the pipelines.
- 她打算學(xué)醫。The destination of her study is medicine.
- 艾倫把奄奄一息的妻子帶去看另一位醫生,那是在把死馬當活馬醫。Alan was clutching at straws when he took his dying wife to another doctor.
- 馬醫horse doctor