- 化to make into
- 最小化minimum
- PASS系統PASS system
- 模塊化modularize
- PASS理論PASS theory
- 酸化acidification
- 插接式開(kāi)關(guān)系統(PASS)PASS
- 鈍化passivation
- 合理用藥監測系統(PASS)prescription automatic screening system(PASS)
- 可視化visualization(-sat-)
- PASS理論與學(xué)習困難學(xué)生認知過(guò)程的評估PASS Theory and Assessment of the Cognitive Process of the Students with Learning-Difficulty
- 鋼化steel
- 試論智力的PASS理論及其對我國教學(xué)改革的啟示On the PASS Theory and Its Enlightenment to Our Teaching Reform at Present
- 歸一化normalize
- 霧化pulverization
- 氫化hydrogen sulfide
- 碳化carbonize
- 會(huì )計電算化accounting computerization
- 最佳化optimization
- 實(shí)例化instantiation