- Their double love-hate view to Japan exerts some influence on the making of policy toward Japan. 留日學(xué)生的雙重日本觀(guān),付南京政府對日政策的制訂產(chǎn)生了重要影響。
- From practical effect, those who control the power of the policy toward Japan are the students from Japan such as Huang Fu, Zhang Qun, Dei Jitao and He Ying-chin. 從實(shí)際作用看,先后掌握過(guò)對日外交實(shí)權者如黃郛、張群、戴季陶、何應欽等,多是留日學(xué)生。
- At the early stage of the Sino-Japanese War, Britain adopted an appeasement policy towards Japan, tolerating all Japanese expansive encroachment in China. 本文研究抗戰初期英國對中日戰爭的反應,認為英國對日本在中國的侵略擴張活動(dòng)采取了綏靖政策。
- For several months the British and American Governments had been acting towards Japan in close accord. 好幾個(gè)月以來(lái),英國和美國政府就在密切協(xié)調下應付日本。
- We can give the objective comments of the National Government by sketching out its policies towards Japan. 通過(guò)對國民政府對日政策的勾勒,全面而客觀(guān)的對之進(jìn)行評價(jià)。
- "I think our hatred towards Japan is the inevitable consequence of growing Chinese power and democratisation," he said. 由于反對日本首相小泉純一郎參拜靖國神社,中國領(lǐng)導人自從2001年起就拒絕與其進(jìn)行常規峰會(huì )。
- New - Thought policy towards Japan 對日“新思維”
- Towards Japan, China used a sense of victimhood to play upon Japanese war guilt in order to extract more aid from its rich neighbour. 面對日本時(shí),中國政府利用他在日本侵華戰爭中所受傷害的從它的鄰國獲得了很多的援助。
- Towards Japan, China used a sense of victimhood to play upon Japanese war guilt in order to extract more aid from its rich neighbor. 對待日本,中國則以受害者的姿態(tài)利用了日本對戰爭的內疚心理,由此來(lái)從這個(gè)富裕的鄰國那里榨取更多的援助。
- Reliable southerly winds from October to April provided easy passage for ships coming from the westheading up the China coast towards Japan. 每年10月到次年4月,按時(shí)刮起的南風(fēng),便于來(lái)自從西方的船只沿中國海岸北上日本。
- After North Korea's July4 fireworks-- seven missile tests launched toward Japan-- it would be easy to assume that the hermit kingdom is more isolated than ever. 在朝鮮向日本方向測試的7枚導彈的“美國獨立日煙火”后,按常理推測,這個(gè)半島國家應當比已往任何時(shí)候都要更加孤立。
- It may come as a relief to both sides that, according to Horizon Research, a polling outfit, the attitudes of urban Chinese are turning more positive towards Japan. 調查的數據顯示,中國城市民眾對日本的態(tài)度正在向積極態(tài)度方向轉變,這種結果對于雙方來(lái)說(shuō)都是一種安慰。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他為自己的房子辦理了一份火險保險單。
- The intensifying U.S. trade gaiatsu towards Japan in negotiations compelled Japan to increasingly open its market, accelerate the domestic deregulation and implement structural adjustments. 美國在貿易談判中對日施加強大外壓,迫使日本加速開(kāi)放本國市場(chǎng)、放松國內規制、實(shí)施結構性調整。
- Chinese people tend to keep their antipathy toward Japan bottled up, but anti-American sentiments are in full evidence, particularly on the Internet, and have become a source of considerable unease. 中國人傾向于隱藏他們對日本的憎惡,而反美的情緒則是明顯的,特別是在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上,這已到了讓人不安的地步。
- In a potent gesture toward Japan, Clinton said she would meet family members of the so-called "abductees" -- Japanese citizens kidnapped by North Korean agents decades ago to help train spies. 在對日本的強勢姿態(tài)下,克林頓說(shuō)她將會(huì )見(jiàn)所謂的“被綁架者”家屬--幾十年前被朝鮮密探綁架用來(lái)幫助訓練間諜的日本公民。
- I will never swerve from my declared policy on this matter. 我決不背離我已經(jīng)宣布的在這個(gè)問(wèn)題上的政策。
- China's Choice of Diplomatic Policy Toward Japan After the Cold War 冷戰后的中國對日外交戰略選擇
- Could I ask for your reaction to this policy? 我能問(wèn)一下您對這個(gè)政策的反應嗎?
- It is company policy to discourage office romances. 公司的方針是阻止職員之間的風(fēng)流韻事。