- Any foreign citizens, who admit the Constitution and Laws of P.R. China and intend to apply to our university for study at one's own expense, can fill in this form. 凡承認中華人民共和國憲法和法律,欲申請來(lái)我校自費學(xué)習的外國公民均可填寫(xiě)此表。
- Study abroad at one's own expense 自費留學(xué)
- John Foster held it to be the power of lighting one s own fire. 約翰·福斯特認為天賦是點(diǎn)燃自己熱情的力量。
- He had to repair his car at his own expense. 他不得不自己掏錢(qián)修理汽車(chē)。
- It's a physical impossibility to be in two places at one time. 同時(shí)在兩地是自然規律上不可能的事。
- The costs of visiting the site shall be at the tenderer's own expense. 現場(chǎng)參觀(guān)費用由投標者自己承擔。
- Besides,patients with old age,spouseless,divorce,low-income family and at one's own expenses got much lower level of social support. They are the weak group in social support. 老年、喪偶、離異、家庭年收入低和完全自費的透析患者獲得的社會(huì )支持更低,是社會(huì )支持較低的弱勢群體。
- He lost all his wealth all at one swoop. 他一下子失去了所有的財產(chǎn)。
- He went abroad at his own expense. 他自費出國。
- The teams are all square at one match each. 這些隊在各自參加了一場(chǎng)比賽后不分勝負。
- Each awakens at one\'s own pace. 在你自己的步履中每一個(gè)人被喚醒。
- Swallow a glass of beer at one gulp. 一囗氣喝下一杯啤酒。
- He had his book printed at his own expense. 他自己出錢(qián)印了書(shū)。
- One who orchestrate one’s own tragedy. --- 這若譯"自彈自唱" 自是不妥.
- The pipe splays (out) at one end. 管子一端呈喇叭形。
- He had his book published at his own expense. 他自費出書(shū)。
- He published the book at his own expense. 他自己掏腰包出版了那本書(shū)。
- A buffet lunch will be served at one o'clock. 一點(diǎn)鐘備有自助餐。
- It is not over-exaggerative to say it’s much cleaner than one’s own at home. 毫不夸張的說(shuō)甚至比自己家里的衛生間還要整潔。
- The quantity that is or can be carried at one time. 裝載量一次所背能或背負負的數量