- Everything here is found well developed. 發(fā)現這里的每一事物都得到很好發(fā)展。
- She is well developed for her age. 她比她的實(shí)際年齡看來(lái)早熟。
- We find everything here well developed. 我們發(fā)現這里的每一事物都得到很好發(fā)展。
- The fetus has well developed organs. 胎兒有發(fā)育良好的器官。
- The occipital protuberance was well developed. 枕骨隆突明顯突出。
- Disk well developed, margin undulately lobed. 花盤(pán)發(fā)育良好,邊緣淺裂。
- Aerenchyma is well developed in mesophyll. 葉肉中通氣組織發(fā)達,且均有不規則裂生性氣腔。
- Forechest--Prow prominent and well developed. 前胸,向前突出,且非常明顯。
- The underjaw is strong and well developed. 下顎結實(shí),且發(fā)達。
- Well developed and well angulated. 恰當的發(fā)達和適當的角度。
- Trees that have well developed taproots are well equipped to withstand wind storms. 有粗大主根的樹(shù)能經(jīng)得住大風(fēng)暴的襲擊。
- It's a small country,but it's always been well developed. 它是個(gè)小國,但是一直都發(fā)展得很好。
- Nowadays the movie industries are well developed in many cities. 現在許多城市的電影業(yè)都有很大的發(fā)展。
- Water, land as well as air transportation are well developed now. 現在這里的水陸空交通都比較發(fā)達。
- Even in an immature seed the embryo is sufficiently well developed. 甚至在未成熟的種子中,胚已充分發(fā)育。
- Fragrance.Term applied to a well developed ang pleasing aroma. 芬芳:用于描述發(fā)育良好而令人愉悅的果香。
- But husbandry was gradually well developed in New England. 不過(guò),新英格蘭地區的畜牧業(yè)逐漸發(fā)達起來(lái)。
- The flews are well developed with typical hound appearance. 鼻孔開(kāi)闊,鼻鏡為黑色。
- The mitochondria are well developed with numerous cristae. 外層則連續迴腸細胞。
- Disk well developed and pistil entirely abortive in male flowers. 花盤(pán)發(fā)育良好和雌蕊在雄花內完全敗育。