(ARATS) Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait

  • 海協(xié)會(huì )

(ARATS) Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait的用法和樣例:


  1. The ARATS and SEF are authorized non-governmental organizations engaged in talks on issues related to cross-Straits exchanges.
    海協(xié)會(huì )和?;鶗?huì )是授權的非政府組織,它們參與對話(huà)有關(guān)海峽兩岸交流的問(wèn)題。
  2. He expressed hope the talks between the SEF and ARATS would promote the realization of a win-win prospect and enable people on the two sides of the strait to have better lives.
    他表達了通過(guò)?;鶗?huì )和海協(xié)會(huì )的會(huì )談能?chē)鵀閮砂蛾P(guān)系帶來(lái)雙贏(yíng),能增進(jìn)兩岸人民福趾的愿望。
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